
Pekudei: Building Fund

Two Rewards

Torah portion Pekudei contains a detailed accounting of the generous gifts brought by the Jewish people to build the Miskhan (Tabernacle), the portable Temple where God’s presence rested in the wilderness. But the previous Torah portion, Vayakhel, also contains an accounting of what people brought to build the Mishkan. This seems redundant. Why repeat the donations that were already delineated in the previous chapter? 

One explanation refers to the two kinds of rewards given for performing mitzvahs (God’s commandments.) The first kind of reward is in the “A for effort” category. If we try our best to perform a mitzvah, but due to circumstances beyond our control we are unable to complete the job, God still rewards us for our intention even if our actions were ultimately unsuccessful. For example, you decide to visit a sick friend but your car battery dies and by the time you reach the hospital visiting hours are over. The second type of reward is for completing the mitzvah and thereby helping someone, i.e. you make it to the hospital in time and cheer up your friend. (The Sages of the Talmud teach that visiting the sick removes 1/60th of their illness.)

The lesson here is that even if our efforts to do a good deed are not successful, God rewards us for our intention and effort. And if we successfully complete that holy mission, we get an additional reward for making a positive difference in the world. The Holy One is generous, bestowing rewards both for effort and success.

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