Emor Emor: A Mother Cow and Her Calf
A simple law that tells us a lot about God, Torah and ourselves.
KedoshimAcharei Mot Acharei-Kedoshim: All Good Things Need Boundaries
The finest wine is no good without a bottle to contain it.
MetzoraTazria Tazria-Metzora: When One’s Skin Became One’s Teacher
Leprosy in the Torah had nothing to do with the illness known as a leprosy today.
BeharBechukotai Behar-Bechukotai: Give It A Rest
Lest we think security springs from our hard work alone…
Emor Emor: Not Even For His Mother or Father
A crucial lesson for all from the obligations of the High Priest
KedoshimAcharei Mot Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: You Shall Be Holy For I Am Holy
How can I possibly be holy if I don’t know what holiness is?
MetzoraTazria Tazria-Metzora: The Spiritual Side of Baldness
If baldness is good, why can’t I take a razor to my head?
Vayikra Vayikra: The Simplest Offering Was Not So Simple
Bringing an offering to the Temple was within the means of even the poorest people, but bringing it correctly required attentiveness.
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