Emor Emor: Guard Your Tongue
Emor means “speak.” Speech is a powerful force that can be used to hurt or heal others. One of the most serious sins in the Torah is malicious gossip, known as lashon hara (evil tongue). Our Sages teach, “Three does lashon …
Behar Behar: Is It A Kindness or Commandment To Care For Our Neighbors?
Are Jews commanded to support impoverished non-Jews?
Kedoshim Kedoshim: Who On Earth Would Curse The Deaf?
Do we really need to be told that it’s wrong to hurt the differently-abled? YES!
Acharei Mot Achrei Mot: The Scapegoat
Who/What is Azazel and why are we sending him a goat on Yom Kippur?
BeharBechukotai Behar-Behukotai: Let My Land Rest!
A law that could not have been written by humans.
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