Noach Noach: Why Did The Waters Of The Flood Come From Both Above And Below?
Beware the windows of Heaven, but charge through the doors!
Bereshit Bereshit: In The Beginning, There Was Man And Woman And…?
For six days God said everything was good, except loneliness.
Vayigash Vayigash: Be Fruitful and Multiply! Is That One Command Or Two?
The Jews certainly multiplied in Egypt, but were we fruitful?
Miketz Miketz: Do Humility And Confidence Go Together?
Joseph received the highest compliment from Pharaoh.
Toldot Toldot: Not Yet Born And Already Fighting
Don’t be too quick to judge Rebecca, or anyone else…
Chayei Sarah Chayei Sarah: Rebecca Said, “I will go.”
Are we ready for a moment of truth in our own lives?
Lech Lecha Lech Lecha: Not A Penny From Evil
It is so easy to find justification for the claiming of reward and the avoidance of inconvenience, and so very much harder to undertake the opposite. Table for Five: Lech Lecha Edited by Salvador Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist I will …
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