  • Terumah Terumah: The Angels on the Ark

    Building the Mishkan

  • Mishpatim Mishpatim: For The Dogs

    Three Types of Animals

  • Yitro Yitro: Royal Treatment

    Standing with Israel

  • Beshalach Beshalach: A Prophetic Promise

    Balancing Opposites

  • Bo Bo: A New You

    Reasserting Control

  • Tetzaveh Tetzaveh: Little Golden Bells

    “Who is the one to be honored? The one who honors others.” – Ben Zoma (Avot 4:1) Parsha Tetzaveh describes the garments worn by the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) while serving in the Temple. One interesting detail is the row of …

  • Terumah Terumah: A Home For God

    The Torah devotes one chapter to the creation of the universe and three chapters to the revelation at Mt. Sinai, but thirteen chapters to  the construction of the Mishkan – the tabernacle that the Israelites carried with them in the …

  • Yitro Yitro: The Ear That Listens

    Parsha Yitro is named for the Midianite priest  who became Moses’ father-in-law and top advisor. How did idolator become one of the greatest figures in Jewish history? The answer is right there in the Torah: Yitro listened (Ex 18:1). Rabbi Avigdor …

  • Ki Tisa Ki Tisa: Merit of the Fathers

    How much can we lean on the Patriarchs when we tick off the Almighty?

  • Tetzaveh Tetzaveh: Do The Clothes Make The Man?

    The unique garments of the High Priest.

  • Terumah Terumah: And Now, A Word To The King

    What does it mean for God to dwell amongst us?

  • Mishpatim Mishpatim: The Right Of Self-Defense In Judaism

    Did the sun shine upon the one who invaded my home?

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