Bring Peace to Israel!
He will bless you in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you.
The Lord will establish you as His holy people as He swore to you, if you observe the commandments of the Lord, your God, and walk in His ways.
(Deut. 28:8-9)
God gave the Land of Israel to the Jews on condition that they observe a set of commandments known as mitzvahs. When enough Jews do enough mitzvahs, there is peace in the land.
Learn Torah
Pekudei Pekudei: Using Our Gifts
Pekudei Pekudei: Building Fund
Beshalach Beshalach: A Bunch of Whiners

Mitzvahs for
- Pursue a just society
- Know that God created the world and God cares for the world
- Respect God
- Build family
- Cherish life
- Don’t steal
- Be kind to animals
(B. Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a)