
Jewish Jokes

LET MY PEOPLE LAUGH: The Greatest Jewish Jokes of All Time!

 In LET MY PEOPLE LAUGH, director, producer, and humorist Sal Litvak takes the reader on a joyous journey through the rich tapestry of Jewish humor, where wit and wisdom intertwine in the most delightful ways. This collection of the funniest Jewish jokes of all time includes lists of the best jokes for particular situations like a wedding toast, business lunch, first date, fundraising speech, or any other occasion when you want to make people smile.

From the bustling streets of Brooklyn to the serene shtetls of Eastern Europe, Jewish humor has always been a cornerstone of the culture, a unique way to cope with adversity and celebrate life’s absurdities. This book captures that spirit, presenting jokes that have been passed down through generations, alongside contemporary classics that will leave you chuckling and nodding in agreement.

The perfect gift for anyone!

Our Favorite Jewish Jokes

Everyone loves a great Jewish joke! From rabbis to parrots, from Vilna to Brooklyn, from cobblers to yentas, these are the world’s best Jewish jokes. Enjoy!

All jokes adapted by Sal Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist.

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  • Party Announcement!

    Yitzi goes to a New Year’s Eve party.

    He’s having a great time but after a while he realizes he lost his wallet.

    Yitzi’s not a shy guy, so he stands up and says “Excuse me! Excuse me! I lost my wallet with $500 in it. I’ll give $50 to whoever finds it!”

    From the back of the room comes a voice, “I’ll give $75!”


    📕 Now available: Sal’s joke book “Let My People Laugh: The Greatest Jewish Jokes Of All Time!

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  • Yitzy & The Lamppost 🤣

    Max sees his pal Yitzy crawling around on his hands and knees near a lamp post, looking for something.

    “Yitzy, what are you looking for?”

    “My car keys.”

    “You dropped them right here?”

    “No, I dropped them down the street.”

    “So why are you looking here?”

    “The light is much better.”


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    Image by Max Flinterman via Pexels

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  • A Date For Lazer 🤣

    Rivky the matchmaker comes to see Lazer the ugly butcher.

    “What can I get for you today, Rivky? Maybe a nice brisket?”

    “No, Lazer, today I’m here for you!”

    “For me? Don’t tell me, after all these years, you have a match for me?”

    “I do.”

    “I can only imagine what she looks like.”

    “Take a look at her picture.”

    “Oh my goodness, she’s beautiful!”

    “Not only is she beautiful, she’s rich! And you are going on a date with her Saturday night!”

    “Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that even with my ugly face I’m going out with this beautiful woman, this Saturday night. And she’s rich?”


    “Wow. She must be crazy.”

    “Vell, you can’t have everything.”


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  • Selling Ties To The Taliban 🤣

    A fleeing Taliban terrorist, desperate for water, was plodding through the desert when he saw something in the distance. 

    Praying it wasn’t a mirage, he hurried toward the object only to find a little old Jew standing beside his weathered display rack, selling ties. 

    The terrorist blurted, “Give me water!” 

    The old man replied, “Sorry, no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They’re only $5.” 

    The terrorist screamed, “Idiot! Infidel! I don’t need an over-priced western adornment. I spit on your ties! I need water!” 

    “Sorry, no water, just ties. Pure silk, and only $5.” 

    “Fah! A curse on your ties!  I’d twist one around your scrawny neck and choke the life out of you but . . . I must save my strength and find water!” 

    “Nu,” said the little old Jew, “so you don’t want to buy a tie from me, and you hate me, call me infidel and threaten my life. But I’m bigger than all of that, so I’ll tell you that if you go west, over that hill for about two miles, you’ll find a restaurant. They serve the finest food and all the ice-cold water you could ever drink. Go in peace.” 

    Grumbling another curse, the desperate Taliban terrorist staggered west, over the hill.  

    Several hours later, he crawled back, nearly dead, and gasped, “They won’t let me in without a tie!”


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    🤣 Learn more about Salvador, AT, & Let My People Laugh: linktr.ee/salvadorlitvak

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  • Don’t Drink, Don’t Smoke 🤣

    While walking in Brooklyn, Yitzy was approached by a shabby derelict.

    “Mister, can you spare two dollars so I can buy dinner?”

    Yitzy took out two dollars and asked, “If I give you this, will you use it to buy whisky?”

    “No, I stopped drinking years ago.”

    “Will you use it to gamble?”

    “I don’t gamble. I’m just trying to stay alive.”

    “Will you spend it on golf?”

    “I haven’t played golf in 20 years!”

    “Will you spend it on cigarettes?”

    “I quit years ago when the price shot up.”

    Yitzy thought for a moment, and said, “Well, I’m not going to give you two dollars. I’m gonna take you  home for a terrific dinner, cooked by my wife.”

    “Really? That’d be awesome, but won’t your wife be angry? I know I’m dirty, and I smell pretty bad.”

    “Brother, that’s OK. I just want my wife to see what a man looks like who’s given up drinking, gambling, smoking and golf.”


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    Image by fikret kabay via Pexels

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  • Her New Apartment 🤣

    Mitzy moves into a new apartment, and calls her best friend Elsie.

    “Come see my new place!”

    “I’d love to! Where do you live?”

    “780 East 86th Street. You’ll get off the train at 86th, and you’ll see a big red building as soon as you leave the station. You’ll open the the outer door with your right elbow, then in the vestibule, you’ll ring 3A with your left elbow. After I buzz you in, you’ll open the main door with right elbow. Then you’ll walk through the lobby to the elevator, press the call button with your left elbow, get inside, and press number 3 with your right elbow. You’ll make a right when you get off and you’ll see 3A on the first door. You’ll ring my bell with your left elbow, and then I’ll scream for joy when I see you!”

    “I’m excited to see you too! But, Mitzy, what’s with all the elbows?”

    “What, you’re coming empty-handed?”


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  • Max And Mitzy 🤣

    Max Goldfarb lies on his death bed. He turns to his wife.

    “Mitzy, you’ve always been by my side.”

    “Yes, dear.”

    “When I broke my leg at 25, you were by my side.

    “When I had my heart attack at 45, you were by my side.

    “When I had my second heart attack at 65, you were by my side.

    “When I broke my hip at 75, you were by my side.

    “And now when I’m dying, you’re at my side. Mitzy…”

    “Yes, dear.”

    “…you’re a jinx!!”


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    🤣 Learn more about Salvador, AT, & Let My People Laugh: linktr.ee/salvadorlitvak

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  • Golf on Yom Kippur 🤣

    The rabbi was so addicted to golf that he snuck out to play between the morning and afternoon services on Yom Kippur.

    Up in Heaven, Moses said, “What a disgrace. A Jew playing golf on Yom Kippur. And a rabbi to boot!”

    The Almighty responded, “I’m going to teach him a lesson.”

    Out on the course, the rabbi stepped up to the first tee and bombed his drive down the fairway. His ball bounced off a sprinkler head, cart path and bunker rake, hit the green and rolled into the cup.

    “This is how You teach him a lesson, Lord? He got a hole in one!

    “Sure, but who’s he going to tell?”


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  • LOJL Gets Pulled Over For Speeding 🤣

    A little old Jewish lady (LOJL) gets pulled over for speeding.

    “Is there a problem, officer?”

    “Yes, ma’am, you were speeding. Can I see your license please?”

    “I’d give it to you, but I lost it four years ago for drunk driving.”

    “I see. Vehicle registration please.”

    “No, can’t do that either. This car is stolen.”

    “You stole it?”

    “Yes, and I killed the owner.”

    “You what?”

    “Killed him and dismembered him. His body parts are in the trunk in plastic bags.”

    The officer calls for back-up. Within minutes, six police cars circle the LOJL’s car. A senior officer slowly approaches with his hand on his gun.

    “Ma’am, step out of your vehicle please!”

    The LOJL steps out of her vehicle.

    “Is there a problem, sir?”

    “My patrol officer said you stole this car and murdered its owner.”

    “Stole the car and murdered the owner!?”

    “Yes. Open the trunk of your car, please.”

    The LOJL opens the trunk. It’s empty.

    “Is this your car, ma’am?”

    “Yes, here’s the registration.”

    “My patrol officer said you lost your license?”

    “No, here it is.”

    The senior officer examines the LOJL’s license.

    “Sorry for the misunderstanding, ma’am. For some reason, my patrol officer reported that you lost your license for DUI, stole this car, and that you murdered and dismembered its owner.”

    “Wow. I bet that lunatic told you I was speeding, too.”


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    Image: fashion icon Iris Apfel, who at 99 has attitude to spare!

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  • The Pretzel Lady 🤣

    An old Jewish lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25 cents. Each day, a young businessman would pass her pretzel stand around lunchtime and leave her a quarter without taking a pretzel.

    This went on for three years, without a word passing between them.

    One day, the young businessman left his quarter as usual, and the pretzel lady spoke up for the first time.

    “Sir, I appreciate your business, but I must tell you that the price of pretzels has gone up to 35 cents!”


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