LET MY PEOPLE LAUGH: The Greatest Jewish Jokes of All Time!
In LET MY PEOPLE LAUGH, director, producer, and humorist Sal Litvak takes the reader on a joyous journey through the rich tapestry of Jewish humor, where wit and wisdom intertwine in the most delightful ways. This collection of the funniest Jewish jokes of all time includes lists of the best jokes for particular situations like a wedding toast, business lunch, first date, fundraising speech, or any other occasion when you want to make people smile.
From the bustling streets of Brooklyn to the serene shtetls of Eastern Europe, Jewish humor has always been a cornerstone of the culture, a unique way to cope with adversity and celebrate life’s absurdities. This book captures that spirit, presenting jokes that have been passed down through generations, alongside contemporary classics that will leave you chuckling and nodding in agreement.
Everyone loves a great Jewish joke! From rabbis to parrots, from Vilna to Brooklyn, from cobblers to yentas, these are the world’s best Jewish jokes. Enjoy!
All jokes adapted by Sal Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist.
After services one Shabbat, Rabbi Cohen is approached by Larry Levy, the famous TV producer. “Rabbi Cohen, that sermon was amazing! I want to put you on my talk show on national TV.”
“Oh my, I’m so flattered,” says the rabbi. “That would be wonderful!”
“Here’s the thing, Rabbi. TV audience attention spans are much smaller. You can’t do a 25 minute sermon on TV.”
“Oh, I see. Well, I could take away the opening anecdote about my trip to Brazil. That would chop it down by a few minutes – bring it down to 18 or 19 minutes.”
“Yeah, Rabbi, that’s still too long.”
“Instead of five examples of the teaching, I could do it with three. That would make it twelve minutes.”
“Now we’re cookin’, Rabbi, but it’s got to be shorter than that.”
“Well, really I just need one strong example. Beginning, middle, end, with a nice takeaway. I could do the whole sermon in five minutes flat.”
“So, Rabbi, why didn’t you?”
Photo credit: Lainie Berger
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A rabbi and a minister become friends, meeting every year at an interfaith conference. One year, the minister says to the rabbi, “You guys are so good at fundraising. I’m really having trouble. The members of my church are just not donating enough.”
The rabbi says, “You’re approaching this all wrong. It’s all about the building fund. You’ve gotta have a building fund and then people will donate.”
The following year, they meet again. The minister tells the rabbi, “You were absolutely right. Donations for the building fund are pouring in. It’s fantastic! Thank you so much for that tip.”
Another year goes by and they meet yet again. The minister says, “It was good while it lasted, but we finished the building and now people are just not donating as much as they were.”
The rabbi replies, “You finished the building? Who told you to finish the building? You never finish the building!”
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Three men are sitting next to each other on a plane flying out of Texas: two big guys with cowboy hats and a little old Jewish man. They get to talking and one of the big fellas says, “I own a place. Thousand acres, thousand head of cattle. My name is Keith and I call it Circle K.”
The other big fella says, “I own a place, too. Ten thousand acres. Ten thousand heads of cattle. My name is John. I call it Big John’s”
The little old Jewish man says, “That’s very nice. I only own a hundred acres, no cattle. My name is Yitzi.”
John says, “Oh yea, Yitzi? What do you call your place?”
“Downtown Dallas.”
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A rabbi is walking down the street during Passover and he sees the synagogue president up ahead on the sidewalk. The rabbi rushes ahead to discuss some business, but before he can reach him, the president enters a non-kosher Chinese restaurant.
The rabbi can’t believe it! He watches through the window of the restaurant as the president orders food from the menu and then eats it.
The rabbi can’t contain himself any longer. He barges into the restaurant and says, “Moshe, what are you doing? I just saw you eat that non-kosher food, and during Passover of all times!
Moshes says, “Rabbi, did you see me enter this restaurant?”
“Did you see me order the food?”
“Did you see me eat the food?”
“Well, then I don’t see what the problem is, Rabbi. It was all done under rabbinical supervision.”
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It’s been raining for days. The flood waters are rising. Moshe is on his porch, praying that the rain will stop. His neighbor stops by in a rowboat and says to Moshe, “We’re evacuating everyone! Get in the boat!”
Moshe replies, “Don’t worry about me, God will save me!”
The waters keep rising and Moshe is now on the second floor of his house. Someone comes by in a motorboat and says, “Moshe, get in the boat!”
Moshe replies, “Don’t worry about me. God will save me!”
The waters keep rising and Moshe is on the roof. A helicopter hovers overhead with a ladder and a PA system. ‘Get on the ladder! Climb into the helicopter!”
Moshe says, “Don’t worry about me. God will save me!”
The waters continue to rise and Moshe eventually drowns. When he finds himself in heaven, Moshe says, “God, I was such a faithful Jew. I kept praying that you would save me. Why didn’t you?’
God answers, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter. What more did you want?”
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Moskowitz is lying in bed at night. He can’t sleep.
“Everything happens to me,” he says to himself. “I finally get my house set up the way I like it and the landlord tells me I have to move out. I find a new place and the new landlord tells me I have to move in by tomorrow or he’s giving it away to someone else. And tonight there’s a huge blizzard! How am I going to get all my stuff to the new place tomorrow in the snow?? Wait a minute, my neighbor Goldberg has a sled. I can borrow Goldberg’s sled. But what if Goldberg won’t lend me his sled? Not lend me his sled?? I’ve been a model neighbor! I say hello to him every morning! I even lent him my lawnmower! Of course he’s going to lend me his sled! Yeah, but people are funny. What if he won’t lend me his sled? In my hour of need, he’s not going to lend me his sled? When my life is basically over if he doesn’t lend me his sled?! Who does he think he is, not lending me his sled?”
Moskowitz gets so worked up, he puts on his boots, trudges through the snow, and bangs on Goldberg’s door at 2 a.m.
Goldberg finally opens the door and rubbing his eyes asks, “What’s going on?”
Moskowitz, red in the face, yells back: “Goldberg, you can keep your stinkin’ sled!”
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A Jewish woman is walking on the beach with her little grandson. Suddenly a huge wave sweeps the boy out to sea. Desperate, the woman looks up to heaven and says, “God, please rescue my grandson, my only grandson, the light of my life!”
Miraculously, the next big wave deposits the little boy at her feet, completely unharmed.
She looks up to heaven and says, “He had a hat!”
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Moshe is going through a rough spot in his life. His business isn’t doing well, he’s got a bunch of kids to feed, and his wife is pressuring him.
Every morning, he goes to synagogue and prays, “Please, God, let me win the lottery. Nothing else can fix my life like winning the lottery.” Morning after morning after morning he prays “Please, God, let me win the lottery!”
Finally, he receives an answer. In the middle of his prayers, God speaks to him and says, “Moshe, meet me halfway. Buy a ticket!”
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