
Unconventional Medicine 🤣

Mrs. Pearlman went to the doctor's office, and saw Dr. Levine, one of the new young doctors. 

Mrs. Pearlman went to the doctor’s office, and saw Dr. Levine, one of the new young doctors. 

Five minutes later, she burst out of the examination room, screaming as she ran down the corridor.

Gray-haired Dr. Goldberg asked what was happening, and heard her story. 

He calmed her down, seated her in his office and asked her to wait there for a moment. Then he hustled over to Dr. Levine’s examination room.

“Are you insane? Mrs. Pearlman is 61 years old! She has four grown kids and seven grandchildren, and you told her she’s pregnant?” 

“Does she still have the hiccups?”


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Image by Murray Barnes via Flickr

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