Class 6 – The World Stands On Three Things – Pirkei Avot 1:2
The world stands on three things, Torah, Divine service, and acts of lovingkindness. Discussion led into the journey of the soul through this world and the next.
Class 5 – The Oral Law In Judaism – Pirkei Avot 1:1
The origin and significance of the Oral Law in Judaism, tefillin, the transmission of Torah from Moses to Joshua to the Elders to the Prophets to the Men of the Great Assembly. Connecting the first teaching in Chapters Of The Fathers to the kabbalistic concepts of Chochma (wisdom), Binah (understanding) and Daat (knowledge).
Class 4 – Peace At Home Makes Peace In The World – Laws Of The Morning, Part 4
Finishing our series on rising in the morning like a lion, each engaging his or her unique mission and getting on it with strength and alacrity. Why does a Jewish man thank God for not making him a woman?Learning from Rebbe Nachman how creating peace in the home increases peace in the world, and stimulates righteous people to assume positions of power.
Class 3 – Lifting Our Eyes Like Isaac and Rebecca – Laws Of the Morning, Part 3
Laws of the early morning from Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 1:3 and Pirkei Avot 5:23. Lifting our eyes like Isaac and Rebecca. Attaching to righteous people per the counsel of Rebbe Nachman.
Class 2 – Waking up in The Throne Room – Laws Of The Morning, Part 2
Laws Of The Morning, Part 2 Why did Abraham not argue with God regarding the sacrifice of Isaac the way he did regarding the destruction of the Sodomites? How do start our day like a prince or princess awaking in the throne room? Do we need a mystical experience in order to tune into our souls?
Class 1 – Live Each Day Like A Lion
Laws Of The Morning, Part 1 Our First Class! How to begin your day like a lion, and walk in the way of Abraham & Sarah.
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