Every chapter, verse, word, and even letter in the Five Books of Moses is filled with meaning and timeless life lessons. Jews read this sacred text from a parchment Torah scroll in synagogue each year, with a different section (parsha) allocated to each week. Year after year we read the same parshas, always finding deeper meanings and new relevance to our lives and the world around us.
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Toldot Toldot: Not Yet Born And Already Fighting
Don’t be too quick to judge Rebecca, or anyone else…
Chayei Sarah Chayei Sarah: Rebecca Said, “I will go.”
Are we ready for a moment of truth in our own lives?
Lech Lecha Lech Lecha: Not A Penny From Evil
It is so easy to find justification for the claiming of reward and the avoidance of inconvenience, and so very much harder to undertake the opposite. Table for Five: Lech Lecha Edited by Salvador Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist I will …
Bereshit Bereshit: The First Word Of The Bible Contains A Universe Of Meanings
“In the Beginning” does not mean what most people believe it does.
Shemini Atzeret: God’s VIP Lounge
The holiday about nothing turns out to be the holiday about everything.
Yom Kippur: Not Everybody Can Be A High Priest… Or Can They?
The Sages prepare the High Priest for his ordeal on every level.
Rosh Hashanah: Did You Know There Are Actually Four Rosh Hashanahs Each Year?
The Talmud expounds four dates as the beginning of the year.
NitzavimVayelech Nitzavim-Vayelech: The Eyes of the World Are Upon Israel
Why does such a small country attract so much attention?