Featured in Table For Five
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PekudeiVayakhel Vayakhel: Keep Shabbos or Else!
Shabbos is so beautiful and peaceful. Does it need a death penalty to be enforced?
Ki Tisa Ki Tisa: The Moment When All Were Equal
Every Jew was required to give a half-shekel, no more, no less. Why?
Tetzaveh Tetzaveh: The High Priest’s Hotline to Heaven
When faced with a tough choice affecting the nation, the High Priest could consult a supernatural device that gave infallible answers.
Terumah Terumah: The Angels on the Ark
Why would God command us to make prohibited sculptures on the holiest object in the Holy Temple?
Mishpatim Mishpatim: The Willing Slave
The indentured servant can choose to remain a slave, but not forever.
Beshalach Beshalach: Did Moses’ Hands Win The War?
Moses’ buddies supported his arms “in faith,” which connects to God’s faith in us.
Bo Bo: Surprising Takes on The Plague of the First-Born
The plague that seems most harsh and most simple is anything but…
Va'eira Va’eira: Get Back On The Horse, Moses
Before Moses can make Pharaoh believe in God, Moses has to believe in himself.
Shemot Shemot: A Pharaoh Who Knew Not Joseph
The tyrannical anti-Semite harmed his own people more than the Jews.
Vayigash Vayigash: BIG Drama! Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
Why does Joseph ask about his father at the very moment he could be avenging himself for the terrible wrong he suffered?