Featured in Table For Five
Most Recent
Nasso Nasso: A Torah Lesson in Personal Pronouns
The difference between He and They in making atonement.
Shavuot Special Edition: A Lesson From Ruth
Sometimes it takes an outsider to solve inside problems.
BeharBechukotai Behar-Behukotai: Let My Land Rest!
A law that could not have been written by humans.
Emor Emor: A Mother Cow and Her Calf
A simple law that tells us a lot about God, Torah and ourselves.
KedoshimAcharei Mot Acharei-Kedoshim: All Good Things Need Boundaries
The finest wine is no good without a bottle to contain it.
MetzoraTazria Tazria-Metzora: When One’s Skin Became One’s Teacher
Leprosy in the Torah had nothing to do with the illness known as a leprosy today.
Passover Final Days: Why Moses Brought Joseph’s Bones Out Of Egypt
Was this not a task Moses could’ve delegated?
Passover First Days: A Passover Law That Mystified the Sages
Even the Sages were confused until Hillel arrived.
PekudeiVayakhel Vayakhel-Pekudei: With Bells On!
The pomegranates and bells on the High Priest’s robe.
Ki Tisa Ki Tisa: We Have Some Holy Waiting To Do
Let’s not be defined by an inevitable but momentary regression.