Pinchas Pinchas: Again We’re Counting the Jews? Why?
Statistics can easily dehumanize – a census does the opposite.
Korach Korach: Even Those Who Are Supported By Tithes Must Tithe
Thank you, God, for obligating me to give away 10% of my income!
Shelach Sh’lach: The Spies Who Condemned Us to 40 Years in the Desert
Who were Moses’ spies and why were they so bad at their job?
Behaalotecha Beha’alotecha: Did Moses Give God a Command?
Our journeys through life may result in reaching various destinations, but they are incomplete if we don’t call out to God along the way. Here’s why… Table for Five: Beha’alotecha Edited by Salvador Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist So it was, …
Nasso Nasso: The Waters of the Sotah
The suspected adulteress undergoes a trial with a hidden dimension.
Shavuot Special Issue: What Did Ezekiel See?
Words fall short in capturing prophecy, but mystical poetry may help…
Bamidbar Bamidbar: When Jews Gathered By Their Flags
Jewish identity can and must be simultaneously national, tribal, and familial.
BeharBechukotai Behar-Bechukotai: Give It A Rest
Lest we think security springs from our hard work alone…
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