Ki Tavo Ki Tavo: Finding God In The Little Things
After witnessing the Ten Plagues, the Parting of the Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments, do we really need to see God in sandals that don’t wear out? Table for Five: Ki Tavo Edited by Salvador Litvak, the …
Re'eh Re’eh: The Torah Is Eternal
Can we both keep the Torah sacrosanct and create innovations around it?
Eikev Eikev: Does God Offer a Quid Pro Quo?
God says, do good and you’ll be rewarded. Why can’t we see it?
Va'etchanan Va’etchanan: The Lord Was Angry With Me Because of You
Moses didn’t enter the Promised Land, but his legacy did. Big time.
Devarim Devarim: Moses Opens His Final Sermon With Sharp Words
The end of wandering is near, the people stand at the edge of the promised land.
MatotMassei Matot Masei: The Original Sanctuary Cities
God created Cities of Refuge for accidental manslayers.
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