Book of Proverbs
Post: Sal & Nina present a lively reading and discussion of King Solomon’s greatest hits, The Book of Proverbs! Get Accidental Talmudist posts right in your inbox! sign up for our weekly newsletter .
Shemot Shemot: The Vision Of The Hebrew Prophetess
Even as a child, Miriam had prophetic foresight and chutzpah!
Vayigash Vayigash: Be Fruitful and Multiply! Is That One Command Or Two?
The Jews certainly multiplied in Egypt, but were we fruitful?
Miketz Miketz: Do Humility And Confidence Go Together?
Joseph received the highest compliment from Pharaoh.
Toldot Toldot: Not Yet Born And Already Fighting
Don’t be too quick to judge Rebecca, or anyone else…
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