Shoftim Table For Five – Shoftim
Five different takes on Deut 20:8 – Is there anyone afraid and disheartened? Let him go back to his home, lest the courage of his comrades flag like this.
Re'eh Table For Five – Re’eh
Five different takes on Deut 12:16 – But you must not partake of the blood; you shall pour it out on the ground like water.
Eikev Table For Five – Eikev
Five different takes on Deut 9:13 – The LORD further said to me, “I see that this is a stiff-necked people.”
The Summer Solstice And Judaism – Bring On the Clouds!
The longest day of the year is a time when God’s presence is most concealed. Even on a hot, cloudless day, however, the Sages’ words of Torah aroused moisture in the air, which in turn created the beautiful semblance of a rainbow.
Weekly Torah Portion
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