Kedoshim Kedoshim: Who On Earth Would Curse The Deaf?
Do we really need to be told that it’s wrong to hurt the differently-abled? YES!
Acharei Mot Achrei Mot: The Scapegoat
Who/What is Azazel and why are we sending him a goat on Yom Kippur?
Passover Special Edition 2: The Wolf Shall Dwell With The Lamb
Pipe dream, or coming soon to a farm near you?
Passover Special Edition: A Script That Allows Us To Be Our True Selves
How does reading an ancient story aloud remain relevant in the digital age?
Torah Talk: Parsha Shemini
Why did the sons of Aaron die? Nina and writer Aliza Lipkin discuss a perplexing episode in Leviticus 10:1-2.
Weekly Torah Portion
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