Pinchas Pinchas: May Our Leaders Learn From Moses!
The transfer of power from Moses to Joshua was a moment of grace and spirit.
Balak Balak: Your Donkey Knows Better
Hired to destroy the Jewish people with words, Balaam couldn’t even subdue his donkey.
Chukat Chukat: Did The Punishment Fit The Crime?
Why was Moses forbidden to enter the Promised Land?
Moshe Storch and friends at Maayon Yisroel!
Chodesh Tov! Welcoming the new Hebrew month of Tammuz with words from Psalm 118: “Open for me the gates of righteousness that I may enter them and thank the Lord! …This is a day the Lord made, let us rejoice …
Korach Korach: Are Some People Truly “Holier Than Thou?”
Moses faced a colossal leadership challenge from Korach.
Behaalotecha Behaalotecha: A Light Unto the World
How does the Menorah differ from all the other vessels used in the Holy Temple?
Nasso Nasso: What’s With All That Hair?!
Who is the nazir, and did the Sages approve of his vow of abstinence?
Shavuot Edition: May You Find Shelter Under The Wings of the Divine!
Who was Ruth and why did she merit to receive this incredible blessing?
Behar Behar: Is It A Kindness or Commandment To Care For Our Neighbors?
Are Jews commanded to support impoverished non-Jews?
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