
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #825 ⏱ Timing Is Everything! πŸ‘°β€β™€οΈπŸ‘°β€β™€οΈ Yevamos 32

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Chapter 3, Mishna 9, 10

Levirate betrothal – as opposed to yibum or chalitza – can create all kinds of problems, including a double levirate obligation on a woman who was first widowed from marriage and then from betrothal to his brother. The seemingly simple case of two brothers married to two sisters can be complicated by the timing of those marriages, as well as the question: does it matter if one transgression creates one death penalty or two for (the same sinner?)


#Judaism #halacha #Torah #family #God #Talmud #wife #widow #brother #yibum #chalitzah #yavam #yevama #yevamos #mitzvah


Opening song: Yisborach Shimcha by @Eitan Katz

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