
🛎 AT Daily! #1856 💀 Reviving The Dead👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 47

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Chapter 6, Mishna 7
Where is executed transgressor buried?
If he achieved atonement with confession and execution, can he be buried in ancestral plot?
How do we know that a wicked man isn’t buried next to a righteous man?
What is relevance of Elisha and Elijah reviving the dead?
Did Elisha resurrect two people?
Why is one with tzaraas compared to a dead person?
How many different graveyards are there?
An animal that is set aside for sin offering and then disqualified due to owner’s heresy, can it re-qualify if owner repents?
What about an animal that is disqualified due to insanity of owner who later returns to sanity?
What happens to animals consecrated in idolatrous city after idolators are killed?
Does one who died in his state of wickedness achieve atonement?
What about one whose wickedness causes his death by execution?
Does execution achieve atonement for transgressor who never confessed?
If family doesn’t sit shiva for one who is executed, can they still grieve?
If executed transgressor achieved atonement, can family sit shiva?
How does decomposition of executed transgressor’s flesh affect his atonement?
What is relevance of stone rolled in front of crypt?
When does mourning for deceased relative begin?
Why does decomposition have to happen before body can be moved to different burial plot?
What is relevance of using ashes of grave (of Rav?) to cure one-day fever?
How are graves of common people likened to objects for idol worship?
If a mountain is used for idolatry, does it need to be destroyed?
Can one benefit from dirt around a grave?
Can one benefit from anything in a cemetery?
If one finds that a body was buried on his land, can he move the corpse to a different burial place?
If corpse was buried with permission of property owner, can it be moved?
If one finds and buries an unattended corpse, can corpse be moved?
If one weaves a shroud and it’s wrapped around corpse but not buried with corpse, can benefit be acquired from shroud?
What is relevance of accessories used in idol worship?
Is action required before item becomes disqualified, or is designation enough?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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