#1825 – Sanhedrin 16
Chapter 1, Mishna 1
Is there a difference between individuals and tribes re: punishment for idolatry?
Is an entire idolatrous tribe subject to the same consequences as an idolatrous city?
How many people in city have to be idol worshippers for city to be declared idolatrous city?
Who is considered a “great one”?
When is case adjudicated by 71 judges of great sanhedrin?
Who judges idolatrous tribe or city?
Who judges a false prophet?
When shall rebellious elder or false prophet be put to death?
If high priest has to be tried for something, what is procedure?
If ox kills a person, how many judges sentence the ox?
When can king bring nation to optional war?
What is difference between obligatory war and optional war?
Can king go to war based on urim v’tumin without approval of sanhedrin?
How can king help community sustain itself during a famine?
What is relevance of Achitofel’s advice to King David?
Why was sanhedrin called keleti and peleti? (sp?)
What is relevance of David’s lyre?
What vessels need sanctification by anointment and when?
When is lesser sanhedrin appointed for the tribes?
From where is it established that there must be judges appointed for the Jewish people?
How do we know that there must be officers for each and every city?
Can tribe delegate responsibility for judging sinners to another tribe?
How is a Jewish city designated as idolatrous?
When can a city not be designated as idolatrous?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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