
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1882 πŸ—£ Thou Shalt Not Form A Lynch Mob πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 73

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Chapter 8, Mishna 9

What is transgression from which one is saved at the cost of his life?
When is pursued party saved at cost of pursuer’s life?
When is one obligated to save life of another?
Can one kill pursuer who intends to rape not kill?
Is one obligated to prevent a murder if he can?
Is one obligated to hire workers to prevent murder?
If rape has already been committed, can rapist be killed?
Can he be killed if rape has started?
What is relevance of word β€œna’ar”?
Can attacker of man be killed?
If someone is on his way to commit death penalty sin of idolatry, can you kill him so he doesn’t commit sin?
What if someone is on his way to commit bestiality or desecrate Shabbos?
What if rape victim tells defender β€œdon’t kill him” so that the rapist doesn’t kill her?
When is fine paid to father of victim by rapist?
What forbidden sexual activity is punished by kares (death at the hands of the Heavenly Court)?
What if two penalties (death and fine) apply at the same time?
When is it considered that intercourse has happened and woman is no longer a virgin?
If pursuer can be stopped with non-lethal force, is it considered murder if he is killed?
What if two men are fighting and accidentally cause pregnant woman to miscarry?
What does it mean that one who commits an act resulting in death exempts himself from monetary liability?
If pursuee broke vessels while running from pursuer, who is liable for damage?
What if it’s a bystander trying to save the pursued who breaks vessels?
If one is running to commit death penalty offense that’s not murder is he saved at cost of his life?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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