
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1845-46 πŸ— KEY DAF! πŸ’ How Are Jews Like Pomegranates? πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 36-37

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Topics covered:

Chapter 4, Mishna 1, 2, 3
Can a lesser judge disagree with a greater judge?
What are ten ways that cases of monetary law are different than cases of capital law?
Why should you should not incline judgment against the poor but you should with an ox?
Why aren’t certain unfortunate people allowed to be judges?
Are those who are capable of judging monetary law capable of judging capital law? Vice versa?
When can a momzer or a convert serve as a judge?
Can one with a physical blemish be appointed to sanhedrin?
Why and how do judges have to be like Moses?
How are judges of sanhedrin arranged during deliberations and where are scribes?
Why do three rows of Torah scholars sit before the judges and when do they move rows?
What is relevance of Song of Songs 7:3? Is that why judges sit in semicircle? Why is it called β€œyour navel”?
What is relevance of what heretic said to Rav Kahana?
What is relevance of Jews and lilies?
How are Jews like pomegranates?
What is relevance of hooligans and Rabbi Zeira?
Why is it better to be a tail of lions than a head of foxes?
How does court impress on witnesses that they must tell the truth?
Why should a Jew avoid swearing oaths at all costs?
What if a witness’ false testimony is used to convict and execute someone?
What is relevance of Cain’s β€œbrother’s blood”?
How do we know that killing one person is like killing an entire world?
Why was Adam the first man created alone?
What can witness testify who saw stabbing victim convulsing and person standing over him with bloody sword?
What is relevance of murderer being bitten by snake?
Why is relevance of four types of capital punishment post-Temple when there’s no death penalty?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park


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