
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1841 πŸ› Double Jeopardy Under Torah Law πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 32

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Topics covered:

#1841 – Sanhedrin 32

Chapter 4, Mishna 1

What is difference between witness testimony in cases of capital law and monetary law?

Who can teach a reason to find accused liable or exempt him?

Can deliberations be held the same day as acquittal of the accused? What about the same day as conviction?

What cases involve inquiry and interrogation of witnesses?

What is relevance of which day witnesses signed promissory note?

Are antedated promissory notes valid? What about postdated promissory notes?

Are cases of monetary and capital law equal re: inquiry and interrogation of witnesses?

When should need of one override needs of another?

When is compromise imposed?

Should one follow sages to the academy?

In a capital case what is first argument that has to be made in deliberations?

With what claim does court begin deliberating?

Does accused need to have witnesses that can show that prosecution witnesses are liars?

What is difference between if second witnesses arrive before or after the verdict is given?

When are first set of witnesses liable to the death penalty?

What is there’s a reason to acquit based on testimony of witnesses before deliberations?

How are deliberations opened in cases of capital law?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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