
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1894 😴 Humiliated While Sleeping πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 85

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Chapter 10, Mishna 1

What happens to one who strikes his father in a court-ordered flogging?
What happens to one who strikes his father while en route to his court-ordered execution?
What happens to one who curses his father or his mother?
What is relevance of β€œish ish” (word repeated)?
Is punishment different if person curses only one parent vs. curses both?
Is law against cursing more stringent than law against striking?
Who is a Kuti and what is relevance?
When Samaritans converted to Judaism, was it sincere?
Can one curse a non-Jew?
Should we accept Samaritans as Jews?
Can one curse a Jewish sinner? Can one strike a Jewish sinner?
Can we curse/strike sinful Samaritans?
When is one who abducts a Jew liable to be executed?
Is one liable for any forced labor or is there a minimum value?
What is a manner of exploitation for which one is liable to be executed?
Is a woman who abducts another liable?
Is one who abducts slaves exempt?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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