Chapter 9, Mishna 5, 6, 7
What if murderer is in a room with other people but isn’t clear which one is murderer?
What if a room full of murderers with different types of death sentences are intermingled?
Can a person be punished for someone else’s transgression?
Is the “vaulted chamber” a jail?
Who goes in vaulted chamber and for how long?
What if six sentenced murderers are intermingled with a murderer whose sentence hasn’t been finalized yet?
Can someone whose identity is unknown receive a death sentence?
If one in group of murderers can’t be executed, can none be executed?
How is finalization of ox’s death sentence like finalization of person’s death sentence?
What if two people are standing together and arrow comes from them that kills a person, are they both exempt?
What if one is a saint and the other a bandit?
If killer ox has been sentenced but then intermingled with regular oxen, are all oxen executed?
What if female ox sentenced to death is pregnant?
Can ox that’s been sentenced to death by eaten by a Jew? By non-Jews?
If we can’t benefit from killer cow and it has a calf, can we benefit from calf?
If killer cow is intermingled with regular cows, must all cows be executed to protect the public?
What if calf is product of a union between permitted bull and prohibited cow?
What if one is forewarned for a worse kind of death penalty than crime merited?
For what crime is death penalty more likely to be carried out?
What if those who are liable to be stoned and those liable to be burned are intermingled together?
How can one honor one’s father when correcting him for committing a transgression?
If one sleeps with mother in law, committing two capital offenses, which type of death penalty applies?
Which crimes are punished by stoning and what does that teach us?
What is relevance of Ezekiel teaching about wicked son?
How can individual be characterized as righteous?
What is sentence for someone who has sex with mother in law?
If someone is flogged and then repeats the violation, is he put into vaulted chamber?
Is there a “hazaka” after two or three repetitions?
In the case of one who keeps violating transgressions, when do we establish the hazaka before or after flogging?
Are lashes necessary to establish the hazaka?
How are lashes like the death penalty re: witnesses?
Does placing an individual in vaulted chamber require forewarning?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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