Chapter 9, Mishna 2, 3, 4
What is a treifa?
How can a person be a treifa?
Is mercy killing to spare someone pain considered murder?
When is a person obligated to save someone else’s life?
If one strikes a blow on a person and then another kills him, who is liable for murder?
What if a person thatโs a treifa kills someone else?
Why is a treifa who commits murder in courtroom executed, but not if he kills outside the courtroom?
When do conspiring witnesses receive the death penalty?
If treifa commits or is victim of act of sodomy, is punishment the same as for murder?
What is relevance of ox who is a treifa and killed someone?
What about killing ox who is owned by a treifa?
If one sets a snake on another and victim dies, why is snake executed but not person who sent snake?
If one strikes another and victim walks around then dies, is the one who struck guilty of murder?
What is the law of incarceration?
What is relevance of wood gatherer who is executed?
What if one strikes another and his condition is assessed as terminal, but then he gets better?
Are there multiple assessments and if so, which one is valid?
When should value of killing victim be assessed?
What is relevance of intent of killer?
What if someone means only to hurt someone but kills them by mistake?
Must action be in complete accord with oneโs intent for one to be liable for execution?
What if one means to kill a person and mistakenly kills someone else?
What does eye for an eye mean?
How do we know it means monetary restitution?
How is killing a man comparable to killing an animal?
If one is liable for death penalty, must he pay monetary damages as well?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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