
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1881 🏰 The Castle Doctrine πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 72

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Chapter 8, Mishna 8

When can one kill someone who breaks into his house?
If burglar breaks a barrel while breaking in, must he pay for damage?
May a son kill a burglar if it’s his father?
If it’s permitted to kill burglar, why is burglar exempt from paying for barrel?
What should you do if someone is coming to kill you?
When is burglar exempt from paying restitution for damaged vessels?
Is there a situation when burglar can keep what he stole?
What is relevance of burglar being willing to risk his life?
What is liability difference between taking and breaking barrel?
What does it mean that the legal status of a person is forewarned?
If someone steals something on Shabbos and sentenced to death, does he also have to make restitution?
What happens when someone transgresses two laws at the same time?
What if one is death penalty offense (desecrating Shabbos) and the other isn’t (stealing)?
What does it mean that β€œhe should not shed blood on his account?
What is relevance of “if sun shall have risen on him”?
If you’re unsure if person is coming to kill you or not, can you kill him?
If son comes to rob his father, is father permitted to kill his son?
Can burglar be slain in self-defense on Shabbos?
What does it mean that there will be blood guilt on his account?
If burglar is found breaking in and is smitten, what is relevance of who killed him and how?
When is burglar considered a pursuer?
What is significance of words β€œand die”?
Is law the same if burglar broke a wall, or if he was on roof or somewhere else on property?
When is breaking considered a forewarning and when does homeowner have obligation to forewarn?
Can you kill a minor if he’s trying to kill someone else?
Is fetus considered a rodef?
Is abortion permitted to save life of mother?
What if baby has been partially born?
Is forewarning required before killing a pursuer?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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