
🛎 AT Daily! #1877-1878 🤬 The Stubborn and Rebellious Son 👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 68-69

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Chapter 8, Mishna 1
What makes someone a stubborn and rebellious son who is liable for death penalty?
What is age range for stubborn and rebellious son to be liable?
How do we know that a minor is exempt?
Is minor ever punished for not fulfilling mitzvahs?
Can a minor father a son who might be stubborn and rebellious?
What is meaning of “if a man has a son”?
Can there be a Jew without relatives?
What is relevance of term “yazid”?
Can minor produce viable sperm?
Can minor father a child?
If a minor is a father, can the minor father be a stubborn and rebellious son?
What is time period in which it is possible to judge and sentence stubborn and rebellious son?
When can fetus be discerned in pregnancy and what is relevance?
Who is “fit to become a father”?
Do we follow majority in case of capital law or judge each case on its merits?
Is witness testimony valid if they disagree by one day about when crime happened?
Can we ever use principle to follow the majority to establish a fact in a death penalty case?
Can a 3 year old girl be married and what is relevance?
What is relevance of an aylonis?
Is accidental intercourse by a minor considered intercourse?
When don’t we follow previous generations?
What is relevance of Absalom’s rebellion against King David?
What is relevance of Achitofel and Doeg’s life spans?
Were people able to have children at an earlier age in ancient times?
What is relevance of ages of Noah and his sons?
Is a stubborn and rebellious daughter punished like a stubborn and rebellious son?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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