
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1874 πŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ The Sage Who Created A Man πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 65

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Chapter 7, Mishna 10
Dedicated by Michael Zemel in memory of Shaul ben Avraham

What is difference between necromancer and sorcerer?
Why are they both mentioned in Sanhedrin but in Karesos only necromancer is mentioned?
Is one liable to receive death penalty for each transgression?
What is relevance to whether an action was involved?
What does an action mean?
Do words constitute an action?
If these two sins are committed unwittingly at the same time, are two sin offerings brought?
What is relevance of whether sins are listed in the same verse?
When does unwitting transgression require a sin offering?
Does necromancy involve an action?
Does sorcery involve an action?
If blasphemer is liable for the death penalty, does that mean that words can be action, or that no action is necessary?
Is bowing an action like other actions?
Is a significant action required for one to be liable, or is any action sufficient?
What happens if one unwittingly commits a transgression for which one is liable for kares if done intentionally?
Is one who burns incense to a demon an idol worshipper?
Is it prohibited to be an animal charmer?
Does the sin of blasphemy apply to speech alone?
Is there such a thing as unwitting false testimony?
Is projecting one’s voice considered an action?
What is relevance of ox yelling?
Is twisting one’s mouth to speak considered an action?
Do the dead speak to us?
Do they do it through a sorcerer?
Can on raise the dead on Shabbos?
What is story about Roman governor Turnus Rufus asking Rabbi Akiva about Shabbos?
Whose grave emits smoke?
How did Rava create a golem?
Is it ok to be a magician faking sorcery?
Are β€œbad signs” real?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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