Chapter 7, Mishna 8
Why does Torah prohibit bowing to an idol three times?
What are additional laws we learn from each of three mentions?
If one does three types of idol worship unwittingly must he bring three sin offerings?
What is considered a significant action?
Can words alone make someone guilty of idol worship and liable to bring a sin offering?
What is relevance of episode of golden calf?
What is the difference between swearing by an idol and makes oath in name of idol?
What is a prohibition that involves action, and what is punishment?
What does it mean you shall not eat with the blood?
Can meat of offering be eaten before blood is sprinkled?
Does community bring meal to mourners of one who was executed?
Is one flogged for violating a prohibition if it was not done with an action?
How do we know that one who vows and makes oath in name of idol violates prohibition?
Can one say to another, let’s meet by where a certain idol stands?
If one just mentions an idol does that violate the prohibition against idolatry?
Why is it prohibited for a Jew to go into business with a gentile?
Why is the law prohibiting a Jew from entering into partnership with gentile no longer in force?
Does mentioning the name of an idol worshipper’s god violate the prohibition?
Can the name of an idol not mentioned in the Torah be spoken?
What is the relevance of if a particular idol is mentioned in the Torah?
When is and isn’t mockery prohibited speech?
What does it mean that those who sacrifice men kiss calves?
What is meaning of expression “according to their own understanding”?
What is relevance of motivation for participating in idol worship?
Does it matter if it’s done because of sincere belief or to engage in licentious activity?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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