
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1871 🦧 Ignorance of This and That πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 62

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Chapter 7, Mishna 8
What is penalty for Shabbos transgression during lapse of awareness?
What about practicing idolatry during lapse of awareness?
Why is kindling fire unlike other labors prohibited on Shabbos?
If one violates multiple prohibited labors on Shabbos, does he need to bring sin offerings for each one?
What about if one violates multiple prohibited forms of idol worship?
Are there cases of one transgression that with regard to punishment is many?
Are there cases of many transgressions that with regard to punishment is one?
What if you committed multiple transgressions on Shabbos during lapse of awareness that it was Shabbos?
Is that different from committing multiple transgressions on Shabbos while knowing it’s Shabbos?
Is kindling a fire on Shabbos punishable by death?
How are idolatry and violating Shabbos not the same?
Is it considered idolatry if someone bows in house of idolatry thinking it was a synagogue?
Is it considered idolatry if someone bows to statue of a person?
Is one who engages in idol worship out of love or fear liable?
If you are coerced into worshipping idols, is that punishable as idol worship?
What if one who violated Shabbos forgot both that it’s Shabbos and that labor is prohibited?
What is stringency with Shabbos that isn’t so with other mitzvahs?
What is stringency with other mitzvahs that aren’t so for Shabbos?
If one consumes both prohibited blood and fat during lapse of awareness, are two sin offerings required?
If performs two acts of idolatry during lapse of awareness, are two sin offerings required?
What is difference between Shabbos and other mitzvahs?
How important is intention in prohibition of idol worship?
What if someone mistakenly pulled out roots of plant on Shabbos?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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