Chapter 7, Mishna 8
What are elements of sin of idol worship, ie when has it been committed?
Why is bowing used as example of idol worshipping when we already know it’s prohibited?
What does it mean that one can have intention from one sacrificial rite to another sacrificial rite?
If animal is slaughtered to sprinkle blood for idolatry, but blood isn’t sprinkled, can animal be benefitted from?
Does one need a verse to teach the law about intention from one rite to another rite?
When is honorable form of worship punishable by death?
When is one liable for worshipping Mercury?
Is honoring idol not in typical manner of worship a death penalty offense?
What is relevance of Rav Hamnuna losing his oxen?
If one says he’s going to go and worship idol, has he violated prohibition against idolatry?
What if he says. “let us go and worship an idol”?
If one says “I am a God, worship me” is he liable for inciting idol worship?
Is one liable for speech alone without actual idol worship?
What is legal difference between a single person who was incited to worship idols and a group?
Why are there so many examples of different people inciting to idol worship?
Can a distinction be made between incited individual and group re: verbal statement of intent to commit idolatry?
What does it mean for someone to incite by himself?
Why would distance affect prohibition of inciting idol worship?
What is relevance of mishnaic phrase “not only this but also that”?
What is criteria for being liable for committing idol worship?
Is one who worships idols from love or fear liable?
Why is “one who worships” stated twice?
Who is “one like Haman” and what is relevance?
What if High Priest unwittingly committed idol worship?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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