
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1869 πŸ– Meat Fell From Heaven – Is It Kosher? πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 60

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Chapter 7, Mishna 7, 8
Why doesn’t brit milah apply to non-Jewish descendants of Abraham?
How do we know that Adam wasn’t allowed to eat meat?
How do we know that Noah and everyone after that was allowed to eat meat?
Are Noahides allowed to eat all creeping animals?
What does it mean that Adam had dominion over animals?
Are fish capable of performing labor?
Are birds capable of performing labor?
Is there a prohibition against doing labor with different types of bird species?
What is source for minority opinion that Adam was allowed to eat meat?
Is there such a thing as meat that does not come from animal, instead descends from heaven?
When did this happen?
Is meat from heaven that’s not identifiable kosher?
What if meat is identifiable as non kosher animal?
What does β€œmy statutes” refer to?
What if someone hears someone else curse the name of God?
Are laws of blasphemy different for different names of God?
How can judges hear from witness what blasphemer said without themselves hearing blasphemy?
Who is obligated to tear garment besides a mourner?
Must one tear garment after hearing blasphemy by Jew? What about by non-Jew?
Which activities performed with idol are and aren’t a capital offense?
What idolatrous actions performed with animals are liable for death penalty?
What does it mean that one who sacrifices should be utterly destroyed?
How do we know that we are prohibited from worshipping idol?
Can a verse that mentions capital punishment refer to a transgression that is punishable by death at hand of heaven?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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