
๐Ÿ›Ž AT Daily! #1867-68 ๐Ÿ“œ May A Gentile Study Torah? ๐Ÿ‘จโ€โš–๏ธ Sanhedrin 58-59

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Chapter 7, Mishna 7
How do we know which prohibited relationships for Jews are also prohibited for gentiles?
When/why does โ€œhis fatherโ€ or โ€œhis motherโ€ refer to someone else?
What are six prohibited relationships in Torah for Noahides?
Why is there a legal difference between relations with aunt on motherโ€™s vs. fatherโ€™s side?
What is relevance of Abraham saying Sarah is his sister?
Can Noahides marry half sibling?
Why didnโ€™t God create many people and thus save Adam and Eveโ€™s children from commiting incest?
What is relevance of Adam not marrying his daughter?
Is a Canaanite slave owned by a Jew considered a Jew or gentile?
From when is Canaanite maidservant designated by owner to marry fellow slave considered a wife?
Is gentile who strikes a Jew liable for the death penalty?
Why is it an affront to God to strike a Jew?
Why is one who raises his hand to strike another called a sinner even if he doesnโ€™t actually strike someone?
What is punishment for gentile who keeps Shabbos?
Can gentile engage in Torah study?
When would it be problematic for a gentile to study Torah?
Why did Rambam say it was OK for Jew to teach Bible to Christians but not Muslims?
Why is a gentile who studies Torah considers like a High Priest?
Can gentiles consume blood from a living animal? Can Jews?
Why can circumcision be performed on Shabbos?
Can gentile observe Shabbat?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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