
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1866 πŸ› Torah Laws vs. Gentile Laws πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 57

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Chapter 7, Mishna 7
What is relevance of seven commandments for all humanity?
How do different sages interpret verse prohibiting murder for non-Jews?
What is verse that prohibits non-Jews from committing murder?
What is relevance of doubling verb for emphasis in first commandment not to eat from tree?
When did humans get right to eat meat?
What does it mean that it’s prohibited to eat a limb from a living animal?
When is non-Jew liable for death penalty under Jewish law?
Is worshipping idols a death penalty offense for non-Jews?
Is robbery a death penalty offense for non-Jews?
How do we know it’s prohibited for a Jew to kill or rob a gentile?
When can laborer in vineyard eat from the fruit?
What is punishment for stealing something worth a very small amount (less than one peruta)?
What is punishment for Noahide who slept with maidservant he had designated for his slave?
Can you kill someone who is coming to kill you?
Would a non-Jew ever come before a rabbinic court?
Do non-Jews need to create their own courts?
Is a Noahide executed for killing fetuses?
What type of death penalty applies to non-Jews?
What sexual relationships are forbidden to non-Jews?
What if gentile engages in intercourse with married or betrothed Jewish woman?
How is betrothal like engagement, and how like marriage?
Is status of a married gentile woman the same as that of married Jewish woman?
Are there sexual relations prohibited to Jews but permitted to non-Jews?
Is forbidden sexual relationship that results in kares for Jews also forbidden to non-Jews?
Do gentiles have same laws of betrothal that Jews do?
Can a convert marry birth relative who also converted since it’s considered that convert is not related to his birth family?
What is relevance if forbidden relationship is due to maternal or paternal kinship?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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