
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1864 πŸ•° The Clock Shoppe πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 55

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Chapter 7, Mishna 6, 7
When is woman liable for capital punishment for engaging in sexual activity with an animal?
When is man liable for capital punishment for engaging in sexual activity with an animal?
Is male homosexual intercourse a capital crime if there wasn’t full penetration?
If an act of intercourse is performed with a woman, is that act considered intercourse with a man?
Can law of initial stage of intercourse as defined re: niddah be applied to bestiality?
Is a man who begins sexual act with himself liable for death penalty?
Can law be made from a situation which is physically impossible?
Why does animal that was used for bestiality have to be killed?
If non-Jew has sex with animal, is the animal killed?
Are non-Jews subject to prohibition against bestiality?
Does a tree that was used for idolatry by non-Jews have to be destroyed?
What about an animal?
Is there anything that is not forbidden to a Jew but forbidden to a gentile?
What is relevance of animal’s β€œenjoyment” of act of bestiality?
What is case of calamity without shame?
What is case of shame without calamity?
How is it possible for someone to commit bestiality unwittingly?
Is animal killed in case of unwitting bestiality?
Is shame without calamity sufficient cause for animal to be put to death?
How do niddah rules relate to bestiality rules?
What if minor has intercourse with animal?
What does it mean to curse God?
In what situation is blasphemy a death penalty offense?
When is it necessary to use a euphemism for God’s name?
If witnesses hear someone blaspheme, how do they testify about it in court?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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