
🛎 AT Daily! #1861 🥊 Young and Strong vs. Old and Wise 👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 52

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Chapter 7, Mishna 1, 2, 3, 4
How is burning method of execution performed?
What kind of wick goes down throat of condemned person?
How do we know how burning method of execution is performed?
What is relevance of Korach’s death to execution by burning?
What is relevance of death of Nadav and Avihu to execution by burning?
How do we know that bodies of Korach and his followers weren’t burned?
What is gehinnom and who goes there?
What does “and the fire devoured them and then they died” mean re: type of death?
What were the threads of fire and how did they consume Nadav and Avihu?
What is relevance of bulls that are burned?
Should execution by burning be performed by actual burning?
What does “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” mean re: types of execution?
What is midrash about why Nadav and Avihu were killed?
What does it mean: “Many are old camels that are loaded with skins of young camels”?
To what is a Torah scholar compared when he is standing before an ignoramus?
What were two laws violated by Rav Hana ben Tovia?
Who were the Saduccees and how did they perform execution?
How is execution by decapitation performed?
Why is execution with sword less degrading than execution with a cleaver?
What is relevance of non-Jews having a similar type of execution?
If non-Jews have a custom, can Jews also have that custom?
Which transgressors are executed by decapitation with the sword?
How do we know that those who commit murder are executed by decapitation with the sword?
What is relevance of word “vengeance”?
Should execution be performed with edge of sword or tip?
How do know it’s head that needs to be cut off rather than chopping him in half?
How do we know that we must choose a good method of death and what does that mean?
Why do adulterer and adulteress have different forms of execution?
What is relevance of term “a man”?
What does it mean “who commits adultery with another man’s wife”?
If Jewish woman is married to non-Jew and has sex with another non-Jew, is that adultery?
What about if she cheated with a Jew?
What is the most lenient type of execution and when should it be performed?
What is death at the hands of heaven?
What can we learn from law that adulteress daughter of priest is executed by burning?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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