
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1859 ☠️ Which Death Is Worse? πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 50

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Chapter 7, Mishna 1
Why are the comparative severities of different sins and different penalties so important?
Is the severity of those who incite others to sin greater than the person who committed the sin?
How are those who cause a city to become idolatrous executed?
What are the sins that subvert the tenets of Judaism?
What is punishment of betrothed Jewish woman who commits adultery?
What about a married woman who commits adultery?
How do we determine which method of execution is worse?
How can we determine which sin and execution is worse by comparing them to other sins/executions?
Is punishment more severe for daughter of Kohen who commits adultery?
Why is daughter of priest singled out for burning?
How is the honor of one’s parents like the honor of the Omnipresent?
How do we conclude that burning is more severe than strangulation? What about decapitation?
Is execution more severe for one who blasphemes or one who influences others to commit idolatry?
Which is worse, sin of subverter or sin of subverted?
What is execution to one who kills his father or mother
Is decapitation by the sword more severe than stoning?
Which is death penalty for married woman who committed incest and adultery by sleeping with her father?
What is punishment for conspiring witnesses in case of adulterous daughter of priest vs. daughter of non-priest?
What is meaning of β€œshe profanes her father” and what law does this teach?
What is relevance of who sinful daughter of priest is married to?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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