
🛎 AT Daily! #1853 🤩 Holy Chutzpah! 👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 44

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Chapter 6, Mishna 3
Can confession lead to execution?
Can confession be an atonement?
How much wickedness was among the people and what is relevance?
Why was Achan’s evil so significant?
How/why did he transgress all five books of Torah?
Did Achan’s sons and daughters sin also?
How did Achan’s actions kill 36 men?
Why is it considered that Joshua acted with impudence towards God?
What is relevance of incident of Zimri and Cosbi?
How did Joshua’s actions compare to Pinchas’ actions?
Why did 24,000 Jews die of plague and how does it relate to Joshua’s supposed arrogance?
Did Joshua leave something undone?
What is meaning of phrase “get you up”?
Did Joshua cause Jewish people to sin?
What is relevance of Joshua greeting someone at night?
What is worse, neglecting Torah study or neglecting prayer?
Why is it important to avoid litigation or at least don’t be hasty to jump into litigation?
What did angel Gabriel say to God about the Jewish people being descended from Abraham and Sarah, not just wicked people?
What are other names of angel Gabriel?
How do we know that we should pray before something bad happens?
How do we know that Achan’s confession achieved atonement for him?
Were Zimri and Achan the same person?
Can a witness retract his testimony?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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