Chapter 4, Mishna 3
“Know what to answer to a heretic” does that refer to Jewish or non-Jewish heretic?
What kind of heretic will become even more heretical if you try to argue Torah with him?
What to do with this kind of heretic?
Why would heretic say that Torah says there’s more than one god?
Why does Torah switch between name of God that’s singular and name of God that’s plural?
Why does name of God indicate plural?
What does it mean that we have the power to please or displease God?
What are two thrones for God?
What does it mean that God has a throne and a footstool?
Who is angel Metatron and what is relevance?
When did idolatry creep into humanity?
If angels are not independent beings, why does it say “he” will pardon your transgression?
What is relevance of “wives of Lemech”?
What is parable of fox and lion and what is relevance?
What were questions/beliefs of heretical Roman emperor?
What is relevance of quinces?
What were different Roman gods?
How did Rabban Gamliel respond to emperor’s questions?
Why did heretic say God is a jester?
What is purpose of sabbatical year?
Why was Ezekiel punished for Jews not observing sabbatical year?
How did God immerse in water and fire?
Why is fire preferable for purification to water?
What is relevance of “the song” not “a song” that we sing when wicked perish?
Is God gladdened by downfall of wicked?
Is it permitted to rejoice at our enemies’ downfall?
What is relevance of death of Ahab?
What is relevance of Obadiah dividing prophets to lessen danger from Ahab and Jezebel?
Why did Obadiah prophesy re: Edom?
Why did king of Moab sacrifice his son and what is relevance?
How did the Jews follow the statutes of the nation around them and how did they not and which was better?
What is relevance of matriarch being fair or very fair?
Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park
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