
🛎 AT Daily! #1823 🫣 Rabbi Zeira Hid From Honor 👨‍⚖️ Sanhedrin 14

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#1823  – Sanhedrin 14

Chapter 1, Mishna 1

What does it mean that there’s no ordination outside of land of Israel?

Why can’t there be ordained sages from the house of Eli the kohen?

When/why is heifer’s neck broken?

When body is found between cities, how to determine which city is closer?

How many does “elders” indicate? 

What does “your elders” and “your judges” indicate?

Why do elders and judges need to be mentioned?

What does “and your elders and your judges should go out” mean?

What does it mean that the Holy Land will not tolerate blood?

What is a rebellious elder?

What is relevance of reason the elders went out?

How many members of the Sanhedrin can leave Jerusalem at same time?

How/when can boundaries of Jerusalem be changed?

What is relevance of fourth year saplings or second tithe produce?

What is the second tithe whose value is not known and requires specialist to assess value?

With regard to valuations, what if three people deposit funds into one purse?

When are three partners considered a court?

Can man and two wives be considered court of three to assess second tithe?

How many judges perform valuation of consecrated property?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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