
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1815 πŸ“– Know Before Whom You Judge πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ Sanhedrin 6

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#1815 – Sanhedrin 6 Chapter 1, Mishna 1

What if there’s a single judge who made a mistake on a case?

Is it possible that the judgment of one judge is binding but not two judges?

When does judge have responsibility to pay from his own house?

Can judge rule against what is says in the mishna?

When can mediation be performed by a panel of three judges?

Can compromise be performed by a single judge?

What is relevance of bitzua/mediation and peshara/compromise?

Can judgment and compromise be performed by two judges?

Once you don’t need three judges, can you do it with one?

Is a kinyan necessary to create compromise?

Why does it say that one who mediates disputes is a sinner?

How is bitzua different than beis din?

When is it permitted to do mediation?

What is considered mitzvah u’tzedakah?

If two litigants come for judgment and judge isn’t sure which party is right, can they be told to mediate?

If two litigants come for judgment, one is flexible, other is strong/contentious, can fearful judge refuse case?

Can judge refuse case if one party is gangster?

What are the elements of a verdict?

When are litigants asked if they want strict judgment or compromise?

What does it mean that it’s a mitzvah to make compromise?

How late in the process can the judge offer compromise to litigants?

Opening song: Moshe Storch leads Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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