  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 It appears King Cyrus became a corrupt king after enabling the Jews to build the Second Temple. The Sages offer several different rationales for considering him corrupt, from his motivation in helping them to …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 He who controls the calendar, controls the peopleā€¦ Sihon and Cyrus are two foreign kings who interacted with the Jewish people in dramatic fashion, with different outcomes in different centuries. The former was wicked …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 There seems to be a contradiction when the Torah says that Nisan, the spring month which includes Passover, is the first of months, yet we celebrate Rosh Hashana as the New Year six months …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 6, 7 Sometimes itā€™s not clear who the owner of an object is, and thus what is Shabbos/Festival boundaries should be. For example, if I place some of my produce in your courtyard for safekeeping, …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 3, 4, 5 When we go on a journey, a mission, or lifeā€™s entire journey, God comes with. But we donā€™t feel His presence unless we let Him in! Why does carrying a burning coal …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 3 Rabbi Abba offered a pretty good rationale for the law that the bread baked by a woman during a festival, using water and salt borrowed from another woman has the same Shabbos boundaries as …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 3, 4, 5 When we go on a journey, a mission, or lifeā€™s entire journey, God comes with. But we donā€™t feel His presence unless we let Him in! Why does carrying a burning coal …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 1 There seems to be a contradiction when the Torah says that Nisan, the spring month which includes Passover, is the first of months, yet we celebrate Rosh Hashana as the New Year six months …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 9, Chapter 5, Mishna 1 Even life-giving water can become too much – ask Noah! – so we seek moderation in most things. Working through the intersection of Shabbos, Yomtov, muktzeh (set aside), maaser (tithing) …

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