  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13 Where 48 prophets and seven prophetesses failed, the Jew-hater Haman succeeded. Why?! The seven prophetesses of Israel: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Hannah, Avigail, Huldah and Esther. Help us build the A.T. App in Memory of …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13 Continuing the Sages’ exposition of the verses of the Book of Esther, and we learn what makes a Jew, Mordecai and Esther’s virtuous ancestry and behavior, steamy details of the the king’s nocturnal activities, …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13 Our Sages analyze and interpret the verses in the Book of Esther detailing the extravagant, licentious feast of King Ahashverush. #Judaism #halacha #Torah #Megillah #Purim Opening song: Yismechu by @ShlomoKatz

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13 A series of linkages made by different Sages between the opening of the Book of Esther and other verses of the Bible, demonstrating how those verses were realized in the events of the Megilla. …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 13 Working from a Mishna that distinguishes observances at the Tabernacle in Shiloh from the Temple in Jerusalem, we begin a lengthy section on midrash based on the Megillah. God did not rejoice over the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 6-12 A series of digressions in the Mishna based on the structure, “The only difference between x and y is…” Vows not to benefit from another or his food. Animals consecrated as vow offerings vs …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 3, 4, 5 How did the Book of Esther get incorporated into the Bible? Is it as sacred as other books in the Bible? How do we know that it was Divinely inspired? How does …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2, 3 More recent names of ancient cities in Israel and Babylonia. Rome and Israel are opposites: when one rises, the other falls and vice versa. If someone tells you that he labored without success …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2 How do we distinguish between large and small towns with respect to Purim and the now-extinct custom of advancing the Megilla-reading to a market day? Why do we postpone the observances of certain holidays …

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