Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 Distinguishing the initial stage of intercourse from non-intercourse and complete intercourse. How does this apply to yibum? To betrothal? To betrothal in the case of a priest? To betrothal in the case of a …
Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 How do we know that the “beginning of intercourse” = intercourse with respect to various prohibited relationships? How do we know that prohibitions relating to siblings apply to maternal half-siblings as they do to …
Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 A man dies childless. To fulfill the mitzvah of yibum, his brother marries his widow by having intercourse with her. What if they have intercourse unwillingly, accidentally or unwittingly? How do we know that …
Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 1 How is the law of performing levirate betrothal after chalitzah comparable to acquiring ownerless property by hoeing a field? #Judaism #halacha #Torah #family #God #Talmud #wife #widow #brother #yibum #chalitzah #yavam #yevama #yevamos …
Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 1 Now we finally learn that leveriate betrothal is not an unnecessary complication before yibum, but rather the proper path to yibum by rabbinic decree! And if the yavam didn’t perform that step, he’s flogged! …
Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 1 They were supposed to perform yibum or chalitzah, they performed levirate betrothal or divorce instead. What happens next? Tonight’s class dedicated to the six million who perished and the millions who survived on Yom …
Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 10, Chapter 5, Mishna 1 Did the prophet Isaiah say something that contradicted Torah, God forbid? Why did he die a violent death? Can righteous deeds add to a person’s lifespan? What happens when a …
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