  • Chapter 3, Mishna 3Topics covered:Does husband have presumption of ownership of wife’s property?What are exceptions to someone living legally on land having presumption of ownership?Does craftsman have ability to establish presumption of ownership? A partner?Who is considered a partner?Who is …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 3Topics covered:If person’s been living on property for 3 years with no explanation, does he have presumption of ownership?What if flood wipes away wall between two properties and one neighbor rebuilt wall inadvertently encroaching onto neighbor’s land?What …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 2Topics covered:If owner protests in first year does he need to protest again?What if owner protests in second year but with a different story than original protest?Why does owner have to lodge new protest every three years?Does …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 2Topics covered:What are three regions of Israel re: hazaka of ownership?If prior owner and possessor are in different regions, is there a presumption of ownership?Is a protest lodged not in presence of the one currently in possession …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:What if tree is on a piece of land but different people own tree and land?What rights does one who owns tree but not land have?What is relevance of “one who sells, sells generously”?Is cistern or …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:When does presumption of ownership pass to new owner?Can new owner be dislodged if there’s a presumption of ownership?What is relevance of loan in Sura?How to prevent one who occupies field for 3 years from seizing …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:When does the “why would I lie” claim work?What if someone claims to have occupied land for 3 years, but only has witnesses to testify to 2 years?When is one deemed credible that he has right …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:How to make sure someone who says he’s a kohen truly is a kohen?Is it enough for one witness to say he’s a kohen?When is someone elevated to presumptive status of priesthood?Can a woman who performed …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:Two people claim to own the same piece of land because 1) my ancestors owned it, 2) I inherited from my ancestors and 3) I”ve been loving there for over three years.If they each have two …

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