Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 3 Why does the mother of a priest have more privileges with respect to eating the priestly portions of sacrificial offerings after marrying and divorcing a non-priest, than the daughter of a priest in the …
Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 2 Betrothal, pregnancy and levirate bond with a Yisroel are enough to disqualify a priest’s daughter from eating teruma, but the same relationships with a priest are not enough to qualify a Yisroel’s daughter to …
Topics covered: Chapter 9, Mishna 1 May the daughter of priest marry the son of priest who married a divorcee, thus making the boy a chalal? When couple violate such prohibitions by marrying, and then they divorce, does the woman …
Topics covered: Chapter 8, Mishna 1-6, Chapter 9, Mishna 1 Highlights of ten pages after Sal’s recent journey out of town. We touch on the laws of marriage, priests, teruma, hermaphrodites, homosexuality of males vs. females, the prohibitions on marrying …
Topics covered: Chapter 8, Mishna 1 Still searching for that elusive proof that an uncircumcised man may not eat food consecrated as second tithe. Texts unders consideration now include the “animal tithe” brought by shepherds. Also the amazing story of …
Chapter 8, Mishna 1 Working through the connections between teruma, second tithe produce, Passover lamb and first fruits with regard to stringencies like the prohibition to eat/benefit while ritually impure, uncircumcised, past deadline, etc. The Torah does not list all …
Chapter 8, Mishna 1 How is it possible that the Jewish males born in the wilderness during the 40 years of wandering were not circumcised? During times of danger in later Jewish history, adult males would “draw the skin forward” …
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