  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 7 Why must all women wait three months before marrying again, or even becoming betrothed, after leaving a previous marriage through divorce or widowhood? Why do Rabbis Yehuda and Yosei disagree with this ruling? How …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 2-7 Which is preferable, chalitzah by the eldest or yibum by a younger brother? Which is preferable, yibum or chalitzah? How does chalitzah affect inheritance? May a brother marry the relatives of the chalutzah? May …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 1, 2 The uncertain heir poses some tricky problems. Is he the son of the original husband who died, or the yavam who stepped in to perform yibum? The ramifications for the laws of inheritance …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 11, Chapter 4, Mishna 1 How does pregnancy affect the requirements of yibum (levirate marriage) and chalitzah (the alternative ritual)?   #Judaism #halacha #Torah #family #God #Talmud #wife #widow #brother #yibum #chalitzah #yavam #yevama #yevamos …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 11 As we examine whether  multiple prohibitions can be violated by the same act, we look at the colorful case of two brothers betrothed to two sisters, and the brides were switched accidentally on the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 10 Three ideas to help us prepare for Passover next week: the condemned house yields treasure, the beggar who learned he was already rich, and the elderly shuffle we can leave behind by working on …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 9, 10 Levirate betrothal – as opposed to yibum or chalitza – can create all kinds of problems, including a double levirate obligation on a woman who was first widowed from marriage and then from …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 8 What can we learn about the effect of uncertain betrothals and divorces on the law of yibum from the case of house collapse wherein it is uncertain which spouse died first? Or the case …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 The sages evaluate a series of related scenarios where the variable is timing: who was married to who at the time of the childless brother’s death?   #Judaism #halacha #Torah …

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